Project Introduction

The Turner Road Comprehensive Redevelopment Plan to reimagine the Turner Road Corridor has officially kicked off and we need your help to shape the future of this important corridor. 2024 is an exciting moment for the communities of Trotwood and Harrison Township. Through an evolving partnership, the communities will collaborate on a Comprehensive Redevelopment Plan that focuses on catalytic sites along the Turner Road Corridor. This strategy is a critical first step in attracting investment, securing new jobs and tax revenue, and ultimately improving the quality of life, place, and opportunity for residents of both communities!

Frequently Asked Questions


Both communities are facing challenges. Population decline, aging infrastructure, and vacancy compound in the built environment create a hurdle for reinvestment. But there are also key advantages. The communities location, workforce, and available sites make them an ideal target for growing segments within the Ohio economy. Now is the time to connect these places with the right opportunities and the Turner Road Corridor is the right place to start.


The planning area will include six catalytic sites across the City of Trotwood and Harrison Township, totaling close to 1,000 acres. See the map below for more context.


This planning area was selected vs other places in the City and Township because this portion of Turner Road traveling through Harrison and Trotwood offers a unique opportunity to establish a partnership between the communities creating a competitive advantage in the region for development opportunities. This partnership will allow both communities to increase local revenue and job opportunities while enhancing the quality of life for residents.


This strategy is a critical first step in attracting investment, securing new jobs and tax revenue, and ultimately improving the quality of life, place, and opportunity for residents of both communities This plan will account for the regional and local markets to provide an aspirational, yet achievable vision for the corridor supported by policy recommendations, recommended roadways and streetscape improvements, potential catalytic site concepts, and guidance for funding that meets the needs of the city of Trotwood and Harrison Township today and tomorrow.


  • A Broad Community Conversation: Broad engagement that combines education, brainstorming, and idea-building.
  • A Bold Vision: A statement of intention on behalf of the communities, focused on rich opportunities along the corridor.
  • A Data-Informed Plan: That is inspiring, clear, and connected to a sequence of actions and investments.
  • Clear Objectives: What are we trying to accomplish, what needs need to be moved? How do we know we’re making progress? Measurable, achievable, important, and a tight connection to the vision.
  • Stacked and Sorted Actions: Community investments and policies that support one or more objectives.