Project Overview

This project involves the preparation and development of a PEL Study and an Environmental Assessment on Adams Road from Hamlin Road to Walton Boulevard (approximately 2.22 miles) in Rochester Hills. This process is expected to take a few years with multiple opportunities for the community to provide their input. The outcome of the project will be shaped by public input which will be used to craft goals to evaluate alternative improvements along Adams Road. Alternatives could include a variety of improvements and may include no changes.

The PEL process will aid in incorporating environmental and community values early in the planning process and carry through project outcomes. The main benefits of the PEL process are to minimize duplication of effort, document and provide decisions to inform NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act), enhance community and stakeholder involvement, and increase coordination amongst agencies. This integration of engineering, environmental and community considerations will help arrive at a preferred outcome in a more efficient and streamlined manner.