
Thank you for taking time to provide your input, we're glad that you are here! This site is dedicated to collecting feedback from members of the Noblesville community who have thoughts or ideas about improving the West Gateway Study Area. Based on the project goals we have created categories for providing different types of feedback. Please scroll down to gain some understanding of the project and then click on the Share Your Ideas! link above to do just that.

Project Overview

The West Gateway Master Plan is studying the area of Noblesville West of the White river along the Westfield Road corridor to understand opportunities for improvement in a variety of ways. This includes the areas around River Road, Sheridan Road, John Street and Logan Street. The plan is a being executed by The City of Noblesville Department of Planning & Development. Scroll down to see the project boundary, schedule, and goals.

Project Boundary

Study area for the Noblesville West Gateway Master Plan

Project Schedule

Project Schedule Timeline

Project Goals

Project objectives