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26 July, 2024

Candace says:

We need more restaurant options! Outdoor restaurant areas, overlooking river, upscale options, better shopping! Tasting rooms, etc!

24 July, 2024

Lacy says:

I have lived in Noblesville 20 years and have always enjoyed areas to walk, bike, kayak, and shop. This is what makes Noblesville great.

22 July, 2024

Missy says:

I live in Old Town and walk all over and think this will make our town even more amazing!

22 July, 2024

Paul says:

More green space

22 July, 2024

cwarner says:

Walkable mixed-use developments that include connections to an activated riverfront help make Noblesville a place to live, work & play!

22 July, 2024

KenM says:

Like the connectivity of path/bike trails. More shops/restaurants/bars. More condo/homes. the river is an asset here. Let’s enhance it

22 July, 2024

hikerboy1 says:

We don't need more buildings and massive construction. Don't be Carmel/Westfield. Plan well.

22 July, 2024

Hermione says:

I love all of the new things happening. This is a great place to raise our kids. Let's be outside!

22 July, 2024

Dana Webster says:

Traffic is already a major issue and only going to get worse. We need to preserve our community and let people enjoy it

22 July, 2024

Jonn Martin says:

Combining the boardwalk/footbridge with more connected trails sounds like a win. Make everything more walkable/bikable!

22 July, 2024

Sarah R says:

Stop building and leave it alone.

22 July, 2024

Emily says:

I supported more green space and a walking bridge. There is a need for more public green space and a connection to downtown