Overall Sites

Shaker Heights Sites

The focus areas for this project are Chelton Park, Shaker Heights Middle School, STJ Community Building Quadrant, and Thornton Park, which are highlighted in orange.

Chelton Park

Chelton Park

Chelton Park is a 5.1-acre site located between Chelton and Lee roads. The site inventory includes the park, baseball field, multi-purpose grass field, youth basketball hoop, playground plus potential expansion areas at the bus depot, and adjacent vacant lots.

STJ Community Building Quadrant

STJ Community Building Quadrant

STJ Community Building Quadrant is an 8.1-acre site located on the southwest corner of Van Aken Boulevard and Lee Road. The site inventory includes: STJ Community Building, library, Colonnade, Around the World Playground, and a multi-purpose grass field.

Thornton Park

Thornton Park

Thornton Park is a 13-acre site accessible off Warrensville and Farnsleigh Road. The site inventory includes: ice skating rink, outdoor swimming pool, tennis courts, basketball court, skate park, sand volleyball court, playground, sledding hills, and gaga pit.

Shaker Heights Middle School

The Middle School

Shaker Heights Middle School is a 33.6 acre site off Shaker Boulevard. The site inventory includes: Middle School, indoor swimming pool, gymnasiums, auditorium, baseball fields, track, multi-purpose grass fields, and a trail. The Middle School is slated to close in the future as part of the school's facility plan.